Stepping motor controlled, multiangle measurements
Particle size and size distributions
Mw, Rg, A2 for dilute polymer solutions
Cross-correlation detector option
Avalanche photodiode detector option
CONTIN, Zimm, Guinier, Fractal, and more
Particle size distributions
Particle aggregation phenomena
Micellar systems
Micro-emulsion technology
Colloid behavior
Vesicles & liposomes
Plasmid DNA’s
Particle size growth
Nucleation processes & protein crystallization
Advantages of the BI-200SM
Both DLS and SLS modes: Correlation & Intensity Measurements
Large angular Range: 8° to 155° with 25mm cells: 15° to 155° with 12 mm cells.
Fine Adjustment Control: Read angle to 0.01° directly on large, fine-control adjustment knob.
Open Design/Standard Optical Rails: Facilitates user customizations for special purposes.
Temperature Control: Heating and cooling via any standard external circulator Separate temperature and filtration plumbing.
Special Design Glass Vats: Specially polished and flat entrance window ensures minimum flare.
Alignment Cell: Fine-screw vertical adjustment makes finding the center of rotation easier.
Multiple Laser Line Filters: Filter wheel with 632.8 (HeNe), 514.5/488.0 nm (Ar+), one open position for weak scatterers, and 2 blank (shutter) positions. Also available with 532 nm bandpass filter
Enhanced Viewing Optics: Coated, precision achromats coupled with behind-the-slit viewing and high-quality eyepiece make alignment easier.
Additional Alignment Aperture: Alignment of laser much simpler and faster.
Variety of Cell Holders: High precision cell holders standard, low-priced round cells available: 27.5 mm dilution vials fit cell holder sleeve. Special small-volume cell available.
Both DLS & SLS Modes
Correlation & Intensity Measurements.
Large Angular Range
8° to 155° with 25 mm cells; 15° to 155 with 12 mm cells.
Fine Adjustment Control
Read angle to 0.01° directly on large, fine-control knob.
BI-200SM Specfication
In the SLS mode, time-averaged intensity measurements are made – at either fixed or variable angles – in the range from 8° to 155° and analyzed with software provided for the methods of: Zimm, Berry, Debye, Guinier, Kratky etc.
Such evaluations using measured angular or concentration dependencies of the intensity of the scattered light provide key information for those interested in the such topics as:
Mw Molecular weight determinations
Rg Radius of gyration
A2 Determination of second virial coefficient
Micro-emulsion technology
Colloid behavior
Complex fluid characterization
Emulsion polymerization
Particle size growth
Nucleation processes
The field of DLS measurements is at least as rich as that of SLS . In this method the dynamics of the scattered light are determined and analyzed. The short-term intensity fluctuations (dynamics) of the scattered light arise from the fact that the scattering particles are undergoing rapid thermal motions. These movements are called Brownian motion and they cause short term fluctuations in the intensity of the scattered light. Various terms have been used for this phenomenon. These are Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS) and Quasi-elastic Light Scattering (QELS), We will adhere to DLS. To uncover the key parameters which describe the diffusive motions a digital autocorrelator is used to determine the autocorrelation function (ACF).
From these DLS measurement many interesting subjects may be explored, among them:
Particle size distributions
Particle aggregation phenomena
Micellar systems
Micro-emulsion technology
Colloid behavior
Vesicles & liposomes
Plasmid DNA’s
Particle size growth
Nucleation processes & protein crystallization