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System provides access to SLS and DLS studies with an automatic, modular, and versatile system.
Chromatography Detectors
Quickly, easily, and accurately determine absolute molecular weights of proteins and polymers. Eliminate SEC/GPC column calibration and improve data quality
입도 측정범위 : 0.3nm ~ 10um
제타전위 측정범위 : -500mV ~ +500mV
측정 :
사이즈:Dynamic Light Scattering, DLS
전기 영동 광산란(ELS)
위상 분석 광산란(PALS)
The Brookhaven BI-DCP is a digitally controlled, high resolution, particle size distribution analyzer. It yields high resolution results in the size range from 0.01 to 30 microns with typical analysis times ranging from 5 to 30 minutes.
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